by retrospectimages, September 6, 2015 , In Uncategorized

First Family Trip

Both of our idea of a good trip is zero stress… and basically not needing to leave our base. With a baby, the value of simplicity went up x100. Calvin is not the easiest traveler. He doesn’t do well with long car rides, flying TERRIFIES me with him, and the unpredictability of general baby-ness brought us to booking a private house on a beautiful plot of land in San Miguel. A few hours in the car, and we arrived to our private hilltop home (for less than most hotels…) for a few days with its own pool, goats, chickens, and a gorgeous view of the sunset. Mike played guitar while I bbq’d and the baby listened to the music and squirmed on his blanket, and we had a great chunk of uninterupted family time with no work.

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Our VRBO rental


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