by retrospectimages, November 1, 2014 , In Uncategorized

Nursery Tour | Neutral Boy Animal Nursery

I am 39 weeks this week! I am also convinced that there must be no fewer than four babies inside of me due to the alien bodily protrusions which contrantly errupt from within. With a due date of 12/23, we are getting so close! Every unexplained noise I make freaks Mike out and translates in his brain to meaning “OOPS I just birthed the baby”. Our Christmas tree has remained undecorated for over a week….but the nursery is almost finished:)Still want to add a few things (including a baby…) but here’s how it looks so far:

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(Until the baby gets here)….My current favorite things in here include the baby mobile my sister handmade and my mother’s bear who is currently occupying the rocking chair- I definitely miss having her around everyday, but especially throughout my pregnancy so having something of hers in here makes me happy every time I see it!

Rug and Chandelier:
Animal Prints:The Animal Print Shop
Mobile: Handmade by my lovely sister
Rocking/reclining Chair:
Dresser/side table: Ikea

(This post is cross posted from )


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